A rite of passage – stretch your conceptual boundaries and change your perspective.
Kahuna Bodywork
Dynamic in application Kahuna Bodywork is wonderfully flowing and energetic like a passionate dance that flows over and across your body like the waves of the ocean.
The practitioner uses hands, fingers, arms, and shoulders in techniques of rhythmic pulling, pushing and long flowing strokes and adds their personalised style as they intuitively cater for what your body needs; anything from strong and intense pressure to calm and nurturing movements.
Deep Connection
Kahuna massage is flowing and energetic. Utilising hands, forearms, elbows, breath and deep compassion to guide you on a journey of self-discovery. Each session is an exploration into self which has the ability to help release unnecessary holding patterns within our physical, emotional & spiritual selves.
Sessions Commence
With ha (breath), breath is both movement and life and brings you into your body and the present moment; and pule (prayer) to call in the healing power of spirit and the ancestors. Warmed organic coconut oil is applied in long flowing strokes which facilitate relaxation and the dropping of the mind, preparing you for deeper work following.
Stretches, underbody work, prayer, sound and breath-work may all be incorporated into a session with no two sessions being completely alike.
Hawaiian Massage Works
- Physically with the body’s soft tissues, joints, and various systems (lymphatic, circulatory, immune, digestive & respiratory)
- To create shifts on the higher mental, emotional, and spiritual levels
- Through our awareness and ability to feel whole-heartedly we prepare the body to heal & release not only physical ailments but e-motions (energy in motion) such as fear, anger, grief, guilt, as well as negative beliefs, self-criticism, and traumatic memories
- Creating transformation into greater clarity & confidence and bringing opportunities for deeper self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love
1 hour: Discover – $140
1.5 hour: Drop in Deeper – $185
2 hour: Full Immersion – $235
Please allow between
2 – 2.5 hours
7 Trees Road Tallebudgera, Gold Coast, Queensland 4228
Man on The Bike Shopping Centre
Mon-Fri: 9AM – 7PM
Saturday: 9AM – 2PM
Sunday: Closed
Email: info@heartspace.net.au
Telephone: 0435 910 715